Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Peace Plan

I do not like Planners.  The little notebook thingys, I mean, not the people.  I love BUYING planners, because I enjoy the brief moment of "I will finally manage my time well" optimism, not to mention the visceral delight of spending time in office supply stores. But I hate them because of their blank stares of accusation...all those unfilled days that testify how I repeatedly used them for only a few weeks and then left them forlorn and forgotten under the end table. 

But I do like plans. I like strategies. And I really like successful endeavors.  It's fun to be a part of something bigger than myself, that comes together for a goal....and then achieves it.  And I loathe, hate, and despise going to bed at night realizing that, through my free-floating impulse-driven "I'll do whatever seems good in the moment" habits, I wasted yet another day. 

Successful organisms require structure.  It's a truth played out in nature everywhere you look. The more complex and capable the creature, the more sophisticated the structures within.  The structures within a skyscraper are far more numerous and complex than the structures in a lean-to.  It's a simple but annoying truth...if you want to do something BIG, something important, you need a plan. And this is especially true if you want to build or achieve something that goes against the prevailing order.

Example.  Back in 2007 I set about the big goal of, well, becoming small. I weighed over 200 pounds and being only 5'2" in height was structurally unsound. ;)  Over a period of ten months, I lost 77 pounds (and trimmed a few more after that) and have kept it off for 4 and a half years to date.  This did not happen by wishful thinking or accident.  I had a plan.  Actually, I had several plans. I had the overall plan of the South Beach Diet. (and I still basically follow that plan today)  But I had day-by-day plans as well to keep me on track.  One of the most important tips I found for success, actually, was the daily strategizing to deal with a world that was adamantly not on my side in this struggle. Everywhere you go, you see unhealthy food.  It looks yummy. It smells yummy.  It is quick to grab and quick to eat. Advertisements keep it always before your eyes...and almost all social and work-related activities drag you into its tempting presence.  If you do not have a plan to deal with this avalanche of anti-diet assault, you will fail.

This little fragment of Scripture caught my eye yesterday:

Proverbs 12:20b ...those who plan peace have joy 

Plan peace.  Not just daydream about peace. Not just vaguely go through my day and hope I find a little nugget of peace somewhere like a dropped dollar bill.  PLAN Peace.   Peace is a big, big thing.  It's not a simple structure or easily established - and we live in a world that pulls violently against peace - be it mental/emotional, relational, familial, national, or international, every moment of every day. (spend some time with reality television if you don't believe me) Peace on any level defies accidental achievement.  So...  How do I plan peace? 

First and foremost, I must spend time with the Prince of Peace - seeking Him through Scripture and prayer, and resting in His providence to see me through the day.  Then, much like planning for a healthy diet involved looking ahead to where I was going to be in my day and making advance strategies for my food (carrying healthy snacks, preplanning what to order in a restaurant), a plan for peace involves analysis of the day before me. Where am I liable to be? What temptations or possibilities for unrest lie before me? I can mentally run through them and decide ahead of time how I will react, through the strengthening of the Spirit, to promote peace  - both for myself and others. Do I know my sons and I are overtired? (like today!) Then I plan my day in wisdom to not overburden our tempers.  Do I have a conflict ahead of me - like a disputed transaction or a difficult social situation?  Then I ponder it ahead of time and prayerfully plan my responses in accordance with God's will.  Of course I can't plan for every circumstance...but consciously surveying the horizon and deliberately deciding to submit myself for the Lord's sake to whatever comes my way will go a long way to bringing peace within and without.

How are you planning for peace today?

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